A: Displays the current coffee machine information including the current water temperature and water level in the water tank.
B: Check the coffee machine information, if you are the coffee machine owner, you may extend the warranty and edit the coffee machine’s name.
C: The current Bluetooth and Wi-Fi status of the coffee machine. If connected to Wi-Fi, the current SSID will be displayed.
D: Coffee machine status:
Menu item
Register to extend the warranty by one year
The message appears if the coffee machine has not completed extended warranty registration. The coffee machine owner may click on it to extend the warranty.
Connecting to Wi-Fi
The message appears when the coffee machine is not yet connected to Wi-Fi. The user can click on it to set up the coffee machine’s Wi-Fi.
Firmware update available
The message appears when a firmware update for the coffee machine is available. The user can follow the instructions to update the coffee machine’s firmware.
E: Coffee machine’s remote control functions. Before using the following functions, Bluetooth pairing with the coffee machine must be completed first:
Menu item
Customized recipe
Access the Customized Recipe menu to configure recipes or brew coffee.
Remotely preheat the cup with hot water
The message appears when the coffee machine is not yet connected to Wi-Fi. The user can click on it to set up the coffee machine’s Wi-Fi.
Remote water dispensing
Remote water dispensing using the coffee machine.
F: Displaying the coffee machine’s brewing record.