Controlling coffee machine via Bluetooth

Currently, only model IDE102-1 supports Bluetooth connection. Please update your machine firmware and App to latest version to enjoy full functions.
Connecting with the coffee machine via Bluetooth
1. Turn on the coffee machine and wait for the main menu to appear.
2. Confirm Bluetooth on your smartphone is activated.
3. Access the Equipment menu in the app, select the coffee machine you want to pair with, and access the control panel.
4. When clicking on customized recipes, remote water dispensing, and quick recipe function, the coffee machine pairing message will appear.
5. Make sure the pairing screen appears on the coffee machine and press the ☕/↲ after hearing the beeping sound to confirm pairing.
Remotely preheat the cup with hot water
You may warm up the cup by operating the coffee machine via Bluetooth. After warming up the cup, the coffee machine will automatically stop dispensing water.
Remote water dispensing
You can dispense water and stop at any time using the coffee machine’s Bluetooth function.
Customized recipe
You can brew coffee using your customized recipe in the app via Bluetooth. Please configure the customized recipe by following the instructions in the app.
  1. 點擊「手法」選單後,點擊要分享的手法。
  2. 進入手法頁面後,點擊右上角「分享」按鈕。
  3. 可透過分享的QRcode連結或點擊「分享給好友」按鈕,透過社群軟體分享給他人。

  1. 開啟手機內的QRcode掃瞄器掃瞄他人分享的手法QRcode,或點擊他人分享的手法連結。
  2. 開啟IDrip App (若尚未安裝須先進行下載)。
  3. 開啟他人分享的手法頁面。

* 您可直接使用他人分享的手法,透過iDrip咖啡機進行沖煮;或另存為自己的手法,更進一步修改手法參數。
* 取得的手法將自動加入「手法」選單內的「收藏」中,以利於您下次直接使用。
您可以透過iDrip App,掃描咖啡包條碼,並使用藍牙操作咖啡機進行沖煮。操作步驟如下:
  1. 開啟iDrip App,進入「手法」選單。
  2. 點擊右上角「掃碼」功能開啟掃瞄器。
  3. 將咖啡包條碼置於手機鏡頭前,確保App內掃描範圍可以正確辨識到咖啡包條碼。
  4. 掃碼辨識成功後,會自動開啟咖啡包介紹頁面。
  5. 點擊「開始沖煮」按鈕後,確認咖啡包已妥善置於咖啡機注水頭下方,點擊「確認沖煮」按鈕,等待咖啡機開始沖煮。
Editing the coffee machine's display language
You can change the language of the coffee machine’s display through Bluetooth as follows:
1. Access the control panel of the coffee machine (check serial number).
2. Click on the Set Coffee Machine Language menu.
3. Choose your language (currently supports traditional Chinese, English, and Japanese).
Setting up quick recipe
* The function is only applicable to devices equipped with Bluetooth.
* The function is only reserved for users who have purchased the value-added package.
You may edit the coffee machine’s quick recipe settings via Bluetooth using the app as follows:

1. Click on the Configure Quick Recipe Button on the coffee machine’s control panel. (Must complete Bluetooth pairing first)
2. Displays the paired coffee machine and details of the current quick recipe button.
3. Select any one of the abovementioned quick recipes (1-5), access the coffee machine’s stored recipe menu.
4. Select the quick recipe menu to check the recipe details. If you wish to set the recipe as the quick recipe, click on Set This Recipe to Quick Menu N (N is the number of the quick recipe button you wish to assign)
5. Wait for the app to synchronize data with the coffee machine to complete the configuration. Please ensure the app and the coffee machine are paired via Bluetooth during the synchronization process.
Setting up the recipe menu
* The function is only applicable to devices equipped with Bluetooth.
* The function is only reserved for users who have purchased the value-added package.
You may use the app to edit the coffee machine’s recipe menu via Bluetooth and store customized recipes to the coffee machine as follows:

1. Click on the Configure Quick Recipe Button on the coffee machine’s control panel. (Must complete Bluetooth pairing first) to access the quick recipe menu.
2. Select any one of the quick recipes (1-5), access the coffee machine’s stored recipe menu.
3. Click on the Add Recipe to Coffee Machine button to access the list of customized recipes stored in the coffee machine.
4. Choose a customized recipe, access the customized recipe preview page. If you wish to synchronize the recipe to the coffee machine, click on the Add New Recipe to the Coffee Machine button.
5. Wait for the app to synchronize data with the coffee machine to complete the configuration. Please ensure the app and the coffee machine are paired via Bluetooth during the synchronization process.
Deleting the recipe menu
* The function is only applicable to devices equipped with Bluetooth.
* The function is only reserved for users who have purchased the value-added package.
If you wish to update or delete customized recipes that have been synchronized with the coffee machine, please follow the steps below:

1. Click on the Configure Quick Recipe Button on the coffee machine’s control panel. (Must complete Bluetooth pairing first) to access the quick recipe menu.
2. Select any one of the quick recipes (1-5), access the coffee machine’s stored recipe menu.
3. Choose the customized recipe you wish to delete, click on ⋮ in the menu and click Delete Recipe.
4. Wait for the app to synchronize data with the coffee machine to complete the configuration. Please ensure the app and the coffee machine are paired via Bluetooth during the synchronization process.
  1. 進入要設定的咖啡機序號儀表板頁。
  2. 點擊右上角齒輪按鈕進入「設定」畫面。
  3. 點擊「設定待機溫度」。
  4. 根據您的沖煮習慣,調整預設待機溫度後點擊「確認」按鈕完成設定。
Other questions? Please click oncustomer servicefor assistance!